Blownalky Motorsports
8-9-03 Well, the latest news is that I got the website back up and running. My web-hosting company and my computer crashed at the same time so it was quite a challenge. Went from Windows 2000 to XP Pro. Was planning on upgrading for a long time because the computer was getting slow, just procrastinating. Heck, Win2K was only out a couple of days when I installed it, It served a useful life. No car yet, still in the shop. I thought I'd get lucky today and it would show up, considering it is my birthday. Hopefully soon. 8-3-03 Talked to the chassis & paint pro and the car isn't done yet, hoping by the end of the week?! 8-1-03 Waiting for the completion of the race car. Hopefully it will be done by Sunday, will check then. |
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